Versiunea în română
The Publishing House Human Resources Continuous Training Programmes
The Documentation Centre The Centre for Civic Education “Violeta Băjenaru” Library
American Corner Special Events organized by us Projects

CCD BacauThe Activity of the Institution

The Mission of the Teachers’ Training Centre Bacau is to promote innovation and reform in education, to support personal and professional development of the teaching staff at secondary level according to the quality and professional competences standards for teaching.

The Vision of the Teachers’ Training Centre Bacau

The Teachers’ Training Centre Bacau will be the leading institution for developing the abilities and competences of the teaching staff at secondary level, for encouraging innovation, cooperation and performance, for offering opportunities for personal and professional development taking into account the national and European educational standards.

The educational policies promoted by us will make The Teachers’ Training Centre Bacau a continuous training centre acknowledged at national and European level for valuable management, for the quality of the performed programmes for the teaching staff, as premises for cultural and economical enrichment of the local and national community.

The programmes offered by The Teachers’ Training Centre Bacau are based on quality, performance, promoting European values, equal chances for everyone involved and an opening to life long learning.


BooksThe Publishing House

Founded in June 2004, it has published more than 200 works, written by the teaching staff in the county, so far. The books have a diversified content: psycho - pedagogy, curricular auxiliaries for the preuniversitary level of education, methodical counseling, collections of problems and tests for secondary school and high school leaving examinations


SeminarHuman Resources

  • the manager of the institution;
  • 7 teacher methodologists;
  • a computer programmer;
  • a librarian;
  • a financial manager;


Continuous Training Programmes

In-training courses accredited by CCD since 2004 (in chronological order):

  1. The Management of Quality in Education (25 proffesional transferable credits)
  2. Teachers’ Training Centre „Grigore Tabacaru” Bacău opens a new training course, “The Marketing of the School Library”, intended  only to school librarians. The course starts on the 19th of February 2011 at „Costache Negri” National College Tg. Ocna and on the 26th of February 2011, at the American Corner Bacau. The trainers will be Mihaela Chiribucă, librarian at the  „I. C. Petrescu” National Pedagogical Library Bucharest, and Oana Jianu,   librarian at the Teachers’ Training Centre „Grigore Tabacaru” Bacău
  3. School Management (30 proffesional transferable credits)
  4. IT&C (Information, Technology and Communication) – initiation (30 proffesional transferable credits)
  5. Racism, Xenophobia, Anti-Semitism – educational issues. The Holocaust. (30 proffesional transferable credits) (see a short presentation of the program.pdf) - the program is co financed by USA Embassy and Israeli Embassy
  6. Globalization and European Integration through Services (15 proffesional transferable credits)
  7. Educational Projects Management (15 proffesional transferable credits)
  8. The Inclusive School – An European School (15 proffesional transferable credits)
  9. Structural Funds – Institutional Development (15 proffesional transferable credits)
  10. Teaching Tolerance through English (15 proffesional transferable credits) - the program is co financed by USA Embassy
  11. Training and Professional Development in Underprivileged Environment (100 proffesional transferable credits) - the program is financed through Phare 2006 Program
  12. Preschool Education - Innovation and Quality (15 proffesional transferable credits)


Accredited in-training courses organized by CCD in partnership

  • with The National Centre for Curriculum and Evaluation - The National Programme for Development in Evaluation (15 proffesional transferable credits)
  • with The Regional Centre for Economic Education - Efficient Economic and Entrepreneurship Education (25 proffesional transferable credits);
  • with SIVECO Romania SA - IT and AeL Initiation (Advanced eLearning) (25 transferable credits); IntelTeach - Teaching in Knowledge Society (25 proffesional transferable credits)
  • with EOS Foundation Romania and Microsoft Romania - The Computer and Interdisciplinary Projects (15 proffesional transferable credits)
  • with OVIDIU ROM - Summer Workshops (15 proffesional transferable credits)


Other 50 courses approved by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Research structured into 6 sections:  curriculum, management, evaluation, educational strategies, personal development, methodical counseling.


Documentation CentreThe Documentation Centre

It offers the teaching staff the possibility to get  informed and to document themselves, with the help of 26 performant computers, connected to the Internet, as well as well as having access to the equipment needed for techno-edition and multiplication.

Educational software presentations, as well as courses for using new technologies in teaching are organized there.


The Centre for Civic Education

This centre is located inside The Teachers Training Centre Bacău and it is coordinated by teacher Lucica Ciuperca from National College "Ferdinand I" Bacau. Here, students and volunteer teachers administer a wide range of educational activities in the field of active citizenship.

Objectives: Coordination of the activities in the field of civic education, according to the Agreement between the Ministry of Education, the USA Embassy in Bucharest and the Association for Civic Education, Institute of Training and Development – Amhers Massachussets SUA; Writing and publishing school books for students and   teacher’s guides; Free distribution of specialty books, training for the teaching staff in Bacau county and the surrounding counties: Suceava, Iaşi, Neamţ, Vaslui

Projects: Many projects, financed by The USA Embassy and by the European Union have been implemented, or are still taking place in this centre: “Civic Education-Curriculum – Teachers Training”, “Education for Active Citizenship in Europe”, “Student Government”, “Europe’s Ambassadors”, “Consolidating School Communities through Civic Education”.

Commodities: 8 computers, printer, Xerox, scanner, video camera, digital photo camera, specialty books.

Bush meetingBush meeting

Special events: On April 4, 2008, Mrs Lucica Ciuperca and students Mihaela Dumitrache, Milena Gora and Laura Scurtu, volunteers at The Centre for Civic Education, have participated in a meeting with Mrs Laura Bush, and other Officials from the USA Embassy to Bucharest. The main theme was the presentation of student's project on civic education.


“Violeta Băjenaru” Library

Having a collection of over 33000 volumes, mainly form the psycho-pedagogical sphere, the library provides reference material and information for the teaching staff in the county.

It includes a book deposit, the loan hall and The American Corner Bacău – inaugurated on the 12th of April 2006, through a partnership with the USA Embassy.



AMERICAN CORNER (see the site )

This is a resource centre, providing information and materials about US culture and civilization as well as the problems of the contemporary society. At the same time, it is a platform for the development of activities and debates on cultural, educational and social issues.

It offers a collection of 1200 printed materials and 200 e-documents, covering fields like: literature, art, history, geography, social and political science, teaching and learning English etc. the technical equipment of the centre is impressive: 4 computers – connected to the Internet, black and white printer, color printer, scanner, Xerox, TV-set, VHS, DVD, stereo system, video projector, digital camera and digital video camera.


Distinguished guests: Mrs Stephanie Holmes (USA Embassy Vice-consul - "One Year Anniversary for American Corner Bacau"), Mrs Heather Steil (USA Embassy Vice-consul - "Remembering 9/11: the Day the World Changed. Five Years After"), Ms Julia Greenblat (USA Embassy Vice-consul - "Black History Month"), Mrs Yvonne Davis (PR and Marketing Expert - "The Influence and Empowerment of Women in Modern Society: Models and Challenges"), Dr. Lou Ann Lange (University Clarkson, Postdam, New York - "Talk about the Cold War"), Mr Jeffrey Rosen (General Counselor at National Council for Persons with Disabilities, Washinton - "Creating Opportunities for Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities"), Dr. Norbert Hill, Jr. (Fulbright Grantee - "Native Americans – History and Culture"), Dr. Mehdian Seyed (Michigan-Flint University, Fulbright Grantee - "The American Financial System"), Andrew Reilly (actor, director, writer, Fulbright Grantee - "Language Learning through Drama"), Kathleen Rogers (president Earth Day Network Association - "GREEN GENERATION – Recicling and Alternative Energy"),

See complete list of events:


Special Events organized by us:

  • The Teachers’ Training Centre „Grigore Tabacaru” Bacău was awarded the 2010 prize for promoting information technology in modern education by Microsoft Romania. The prize award took place at Sibiu, in the presence of Oana Badea, Secretary of State, during the Seminary “ Computers and Interdisciplinary Projects, organized by EOS Foundation– Educating for Open Society Romania, the Ministry of Education and Microsoft Romania.
  • Peace Corps Romania, supported by American Corner Bacău, organizes several activities on voluntary work, dedicated to the 50 years since Peace Corps has been founded, to its 20 years in Romania and to the European Year of Voluntary Activities Promoting Active Citizenship. Thus, Tuesday, 1st March, 2011, starting with 11 o’clock, at the American Corner, Teachers’ Training Centre „Grigore Tabacaru” Bacău, will be an activity on voluntariate and promotion of  peace and friendship in the world. Bradle Ludlow, Jerod Shufford, Katherine Dunne, Amanda şi Benjamin Tulin, Peace Corps voluntaries in Romania, together with local ONGs’ representatives, will talk about promoting voluntariate, their major objective.
    The activity will be coordinated by Adriana Ambrozie, “Ferdinand I” National College Bacau, and Lucica Ciupercă, teacher trainer and coordinator of The Centre for Civic Education for the students at “Ferdinand I” National College Bacau.
  • International Conference "The State of Israel at the 61st Aniversary": distinguished guests: His Excellency David Oren Ambassador of Israel in Bucharest;
  • Conference „Social Responsibility and Ethics in Business; State vs. Companies, Social Partners or Enemies?”; distinguished guests: Stephen Ruken, USA Embassy Political Officer;
  • Conference "Teaching Holocaust - Combating Discrimination and Anti-Semitism in Romania"; distinguished guests: Julie A. O’Reagan – Cultural Affairs Officer, USA Embassy; Jonathan Rosenzweig – Second Secretary, Cultural & Science Affairs, Israel Embassy; Paul Schwartz – Vicepresident Federaţia Comunităţilor Evreieşti din România; Mihail E. Ionescu – director Institutul Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România “Elie Wiesel”; Csaba Ferenc Asztalos – preşedinte Consiliul Naţional pentru Combaterea Discriminării; prof. Gabriel Stan – director Casa Corpului Didactic “Grigore Tabacaru” Bacău; Hari Vigdar – preşedinte Comunitatea Evreilor din Bacău; dr. Alexandru Florian – director executiv Institutul Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România “Elie Wiesel”
  • Photo Exhibition "Spirit of Jerusalem - 60 Years from the Birth of State of Israel"; distinguished guests: His Excellency David Oren, Ambassador of Israel in Bucharest;
  • International Pedagogical Seminar "The Importance of Studying the Racist, Xenophobic, Anti-Semitic Phenomenon in Romania"; distinguished guests: Professor Lea Roshkovsky, coordinator, Yad Vashem International School for the Study of Holocaust, Jerusalem, Israel;
  • Book signing - "ALEXANDRU ŞAFRAN. A LIFE OF STRUGGLE, A RAY OF LIGHT", written by Professor Carol Iancu; distinguished guests: author Professor Carol Iancu - “Paul Valery” University, Montpellier, France; Professor Avinoam Şafran – rabbi’s son, Manager of the Ophthalmology Clinic Geneva Teaching Hospital; Professor Ester Starobinski-Şafran, rabbi’s daughter, Geneva University Philosophy Faculty and her husband, jurist Joseph Starobinski, Geneva Court of Justice;
  • International Conference “Combating Discrimination and Promoting Mutual Respect and Understanding through Knowing the XXth Century Tragedies, Holocaust and Communism; New Educations of the XXIst Century”; distinguished guests: Professor Dr. Carol Iancu – “Paul Valery University, Montpellier, France; Dr. Lya Benjamin – The Center for the Study of the History of the Jews from Roma; Professor dr. Liviu Rotman – National School of Political and Administrative Studies, The Center for the Study of the History of the Jews from Romania;
  • Conference “Romanian – Israeli bilateral relations. Present tendencies.”; distinguished guests: His Excellency David Oren, Ambassador of Israel in Romania;
  • International Seminar "INTERCULTURAL AWARENESS AND COMMUNICATION IN A NEW EUROPE"; distinguished guests: Professor Keith Trencher - Liverpool University, Great Britain; Colin Roberts - teacher, Walles, Great Britain;
  • International Conference “Racism, Xenophobia, Anti-Semitism – Educational Problems; Holocaust”; distinguished guests: Dr. Lya Benjamin – The Center for the Study of the History of the Jews from Roma; Hava Baruch – Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial, Jerusalem, Israel; Michelle Kelso – movie director, U.S.A.; Theodor Magder - first counsellor, A.O.C.E. from the Republic of Moldavia;




  • The Teachers’ Training Centre „Grigore Tabacaru” Bacau was awarded the 2010 prize for promoting information technology in modern education by Microsoft Romania. The prize award took place at Sibiu, in the presence of Oana Badea, Secretary of State, during the Seminary “ Computers and Interdisciplinary Projects, organized by EOS Foundation– Educating for Open Society Romania, the Ministry of Education and Microsoft Romania.
  • Telecentre-Europe organizes, between 28th February and 5th March, the third edition of the campaign Get Online Week, which intends to bring online, for the first time, 100.000 Europeans, from the 100.000.000 Europeans digitally excluded now.

    The campaign takes places under the patronage of the European Commissioner, Vice-President of the European Comission and Commissioner for Digital Agenda, the one who will start the campaign on the 24th of February, at Bruxelles.

    In Romania, the campaign is called “Let’s Surf the Web” and is coordinated by the EOS Foundation, together with Civitas Foundation, Microsoft Romania, ANBPR, Tech Soup Foundation and   Teachers’ Training Centre „Grigore Tăbăcaru” Bacău. For further details go to: şi

  • „The Ethnic Minorities and the Process of Modernization in the City of Bacău –The Jews” Project - co-financed by Bacău Local Council, partners The National School for the Study of Holocaust from Romania “Elie Wiesel”, The Association for Civic Education, “Eurocivica” Association Bacău; distinguished guests: Stephen Ruken – Political Officer at the Embassy of The United States  of America in Bucharest, prof. univ. Liviu Rotman, PhD. –the National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest – The Center for the Study of the History of the Jews from Romania, conf. univ. Alexandru Florian, PhD.  – National School for the Study of Holocaust from România “Elie Wiesel”Hary Kuller–researcher.
  • “Training and Professional Development in Underprivileged Environment” Project – financed by European Union through Phare 2006 Program; associated schools: GS “Al. Vlahuta”, Podu Turcului, GS of Agriculture, “J.M.Elias” Sascut, GS of Agriculture, Hemeius;
  • "Democracy and Multiculturalism" Project - financed by Bacau County Council
  • “Bacau 600 – Together for an European and Prosperous Community” Project – financed by Bacau Local Council; associated schools: “Dr. Alexandru Şafran” School, Bacau, “Ion Luca” School, Bacau;
  • “Volunteering and Civic Education Campaign” Project – financed by Bacau Local Council; associated schools: Barati School, No. 7 Comanesti School, “Saint Mary” Orphanage;
  • “Implicate Yourself into Community Problems” Project – financed by Bacau Local Council; distinguished guest: Judith Moon, Public Affair Counselor, USA Embassy
  • "American Corner Bacau" Project - financed by USA Embassy
